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  • Social Media?

    Is social media really social? Maybe, but just maybe we collect terms without deeply thinking about the words used. Social as belonging to humans, and not just humans, yes. What if social media was reworded after deep thinking? Would it still be named as such?

    Read more: Social Media?
  • Adapting to change. 

    How have you adapted to the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic? During Covid-19 I was in the midst of change but didn’t expect the change it brought.  Doors opened, doors closed and many different perspectives appeared. I am still adapting to a new way of working,  being with others, being with my family,…

    Read more: Adapting to change. 
  • Watch A Collaboration of Visions Our Mind is a library. Niches, shelves, cupboards and vaults of experiences are stored away and with a tickle,  a nudge, a push and an invitation they welcome the hidden, the real, the possible and our dreams.May this be….a Spill of Inspiration.

    Read more: Watch A Collaboration of Visions
  • Watch A Collaboration of Visions

    Our Mind is a library. Niches, shelves, cupboards and vaults of experiences are stored away and with a tickle,  a nudge, a push and an invitation they welcome the hidden, the real, the possible and our dreams.May this be….a Spill of Inspiration?

    Read more: Watch A Collaboration of Visions

Wander and Wonder

Shadows, life companions

Busy life


words as seeds
words as seeds
What do our folds reveal?